Carl Haggerty & Stuart Harrison tweet from PSF Buzz

Headed up to Newcastle today for the Public Sector Forums’ event on Effective Social Media and Web 2.0 Strategies for Local Authorities – AKA PSFBuzz North East!!!

This a chance to meet up with some very inspiring, enthusiastic and dedicated local gov online people – some of whom had been at localgovcamp a few weeks ago but some of whom I had only had online conversations with so far so good to meet in person.

Oh, and the line up was pretty good too! I live blogged my notes for each session as well as I could (shaky wifi due to rampant tweeters) and will go back and try and add a sensible summary to each post. You can also catch up with the metaconference on Twitter at #psfbuzz.

Speakers for today:

The whole day was a blast with the presentations being thought provoking, funny and useful in equal measure. Thanks to all involved in putting it on (PSF, Newcastle, Dave Briggs, suppliers etc). Good to see so many people there – would be great to see other events on same format in other regions 🙂

A few actions I have set myself after this day:

  • Revisit the social media guidelines I drafted and make some changes / additions then chase to get them in place
  • Start tracking the conversation happening in the online space about our organisation
  • Start tracking the scope and impact of our socmed communications
  • A few other things too vague to be stuck up here but have made it to the ‘think on’ post-it in my diary :0)
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2 thoughts on “Public Sector Forums present PSF Buzz North East

  1. Nothing to say about the page as such, but I just wanted to say ooh, you’ve come over all wordpress. Is this the ‘new’ thing, that we should all re-bookmark, or are you planning on running this and blogger in parallel?

  2. I am in the process of moving house so to speak…things are in transit and only the kettle and the tea bags are really unpacked 😉
    I will be sending up the Bat Signal for re-bookmarking as soon as I’ve settled in over here. You are the first person to notice this so rest easy on the glory of that for a while 🙂

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