After yesterday’s round-up and reflection of my 2018 today we’re at the year’s reset point and 1 January 2019 is upon us. I don’t really do resolutions (Matt Essam makes excellent reasons why you shouldn’t either) but I do set goals and take action toward them – and at New Year I like to set out the big picture for myself before getting into the detailed work.

That detailed work has broken down specific goals in three areas – individual, impact, and income – and I’ve used the RPM (Rapid Planning Method – or also standing for Results, Purpose, Massive Action Plan) to already start moving toward these. I’m not going to share that detail here (I journal offline to a daily and weekly rhythm) but rather the higher level and some of the things I intend to happen and commit to for 2019.

My word of 2019

In 2019 I intend to do less, but better and live a slower life. This doesn’t mean I won’t be pursuing success but rather I’ll be more tightly focused on where I spend my energy, and committing to building in time for renewing that energy too.

The word I’ve settled on for 2019 is relove (verb: To love (something or someone) again). 

This brings focus to work I started in 2018 to learn how to look after my wellbeing and to trust myself, to find joy in the work I do and have a healthy mindset about my values and their criteria, and to indulge rather than sideline my purpose (meaning a greater focus on the way music and words connect people). It’s a focus on reloving my own talents, reloving the work I do, and reloving the way I live. It’s the kickback to the depression rising from being in the wrong place last year – it’s positivity and hope, resiliance and commitment.

In a practical sense too this word brings focus to my year – I am committed to supporting independent art and artists but am also committed to reusing, recycling, and refurbishing across my life. This means growing our own veg and sharing surplus, mending clothes and thrifting, being mindful in our consumption and consumerism. I am choosing time over convenience and so independent and local retailers are top of my list, and, well, doing less but better with my buying habits generally.

Professional goals

I’m just going to keep this to a short list of professional goals and intentions for 2019:

  • live a creative life which allows me to support my family
  • focus on conversations which foster connections
  • creating and nurturing businesses and work which provide financially while allowing me to live my purpose
  • growth as well as sustainability at Reckless Yes and Noble and Wild (see above)
  • publication of my second novel (out in June 2019), continued growth of readership for The Winter Passing and a commitment to complete a first draft of my third novel (and the last in the House of Morrigan series)
  • more in-depth music writing, fewer reviews, and find other ways to support independent music and artists.

Personal goals

I’ll turn 40 this year and I’m really focused on having an amazing year full of memories rather than material things, but also learning how to really look after my wellbeing.

My short-list of personal goals and intentions for 2019:

  • continued weightloss and proper consideration of what I’m eating and the providence of my food, including further reduction in how much meat I eat and growing more of our own veggies this year
  • move toward running 5km in under 30 mins. I’m signed up for RED January (Run Every Day) to re-focus on this
  • family time – we didn’t get a holiday last year so I’ve already go time in the diary to go and explore somewhere new
  • more time with people I love or find their company joyful in some way (see #100people below)
  • travel – I don’t want to spend a lot of time away from home but I’m keen on in-person conversations for work and to travel with friends. I’ve a couple of jaunts in the diary to make sure this happens and to express my identity as a global citizen
  • volunteering – I’ve set aside an amount of time for pro-bono and volunteering work and I’m looking forward to kicking this off by joining the Indietracks festival team for the 2019 festival (more on this soon I’m sure)
  • letting go of material possessions which no longer serve – 2019 is the year I shed things which have had their season and live in a less-cluttered space.


I saw Mary McKenna tweeting over the festive period about #100people and loved the idea of it: making a list of 100 people you want to meet in person with over a 12 month period. They might be people you’ve not seen in a long time, they might be indirect colleagues or clients (or friends) you usually chat to online, or it might be someone else you always intend to get time in the diary with but somehow don’t get round to.

I love the idea of it – and I’ll probably write more about it soon but wanted to pull it out here as it fits across my professional and personal intentions as well as being a great reflection of my focus – relove – as it looks to strengthen connections and networks.


So that’s my intentions and focus for 2019 as a whole. Whatever you’re intending or resolving to do I hope you find good health, good company, and your success in the 12 months ahead.