Bit nippy out isn’t it…
S01 E06 – week ending 4 March 2018
I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading this week and delving into the psychology of design, influence and particularly looking at how this works around behaviour in different situations online and off. More podcast listening and reading around this in the coming weeks I expect.
And the weather has had me watching the public sector do another marvellous job not only on delivering their services and helping people in need during some fairly severe weather, but also do a good job of communicating this. I started doing snow comms on social media around 2009 at Derbyshire County Council and put in many a shift for them and Nottinghamshire, supporting the development of rotas, real-time reporting and cross-functional comms plans.
While it was hard, and fairly repetitive, it was still one of my favourite roles while working hands on comms – the journalist in me loved the high pressure / fast moving nature and whether the people you speak to are dissatisfied or grateful there’s something nice in being able to get a response rather than so many messages which go into the void. I also quite enjoyed my Grit Girl nickname, earned mapping grit bins across Derbyshire.
Dan Slee did a good round-up post of this week’s activity, posted in three parts starting here and if you’re a local government or public sector communicator doing you best in the cold, I salute you.
Writing and journalism
Tentative returns to writing this week with a couple of pieces lined up for Storge and plans coming together on new projects. Not much tangible progress but after stalled thinking and esteem it’s feeling more positive to be moving forward with focus on a few things.
Really big week for LIINES this week with a session and interview for John Kennedy on Radio X and a sold out headline gig in Manchester at Night People, with DHP. They’ve also had great support across radio (places like Amazing and plenty of internet shows), websites and blogs following the announcement their debut album is released 4 May 2018 on Reckless Yes. Great vibe about this band as a happy as I am as their label I’m really thrilled to see them getting more recognition after building to this since their debut single in 2015 (see the article I wrote about that at LTW here).
Lot’s of interesting opportunities coming up at Reckless Yes at the moment which I’m looking forward to breaking cover on soon, for now everything seems to be in the planning phase and therefore the down low.
What’s next?
Mega busy week coming up between work, and getting ready for next weekend’s Nottingham Label Market as well as continuing with campaigns for both LIINES and Grawl!x over at Reckless Yes.
Hoping to get along to either a Women In Music or Women In Digital event around International Women’s Day and possibly squeeze a gig or two in as well, starting with Paul Draper at his sold out show in Nottingham tomorrow night performing his solo material and the whole of Mansun’s Attack of the Grey Lantern too.