Here we are again, another month in music round up and a quarter of the way through 2014 already.
Here’s my recommendations for music released in March 2014:
Lorelle Meets the Obsolete – Chambers
A big slice of psych pop with a side of krautrock, released on the wonderful Sonic Cathedral label. This album spins out in a hazy dream but still feels substantial, and its this edge which sets it apart from so much of the NuGaze and psych around at the moment.
Simone Felice – Strangers
I fair love this album. It’s got such big heart and I’m always drawn in when songwriters write about life, not just love. With this album of glorious Americana I fell for the bittersweet explorations of endings; it is pure beauty.
I wrote about it here on Louder Than War and said: “So, here you have a collection of songs at once so fierce and so gentle; turns of phrase at once unheard and yet familiar too. Simone Felice is a modern poet and a fine story teller with the sort of voice that makes for the rawest straight-to-the-heart songs. Strangers is a fine addition to the Americana and alt-country genre, and one which beautifully leads us through the human condition.”
You should also try and catch Simone while he’s over in the UK on tour in April.
Dean Wareham – Dean Wareham
You might know Dean from Galaxie 500 or Luna but he’s now returned with this rather lovely jangly shimmer of an album. Opening track The Dancer Disappears (out as a single around the time he tours the UK in May) is a great piece of indiepop – uplifting, insistent, intelligent and a little shy all at once. Get into the album and then catch Dean on tour or at the marvellous Indietracks Festival.
Jimi Goodwin – Odludek
A very Manchester sounding album from a Manchester legend. Jimi Goodwin’s (Doves) solo mixes throbbing electronica with sneering Northern vocals, it should be amazing live (I’m looking forward to catching him at Kendal Calling).
Latimer House – All the Rage
A disdain for X Factor but a love of pop has led to this self-released record from Prague’s Latimer House. An great little album with a feel of Elvis Costello, or the Housemartins with the jangling guitars and wry tales of English suburbia and Baroque and guitar melodies like early Blur.
This was actually released in February but I’ve only just caught up with it – download or buy the vinyl from their Bandcamp.
Lapland – Lapland
Shimmering synths and hazy vocals ease you into the debut by Lapland, this is floating in space, the colours of the universe about you. But it’s also pop stright down the ancestral line from The Beatles. And it’s a laid back suarve lounge record. A great late night album.
There were a couple of other albums I’d like to give more time to – Ava Luna, Secret Colours and Full Ugly – unfortunately I just couldn’t spend as much time as I wanted to in March.
Next month I’m looking forward to sharing Ghost Twins with you and finally getting to hear Britpop drop-outs Speedy’s debut, originally due in CD trays back in 1997.
Also looking forward to getting my ears around albums by Damon Albarn, BIRD and, now the fast burn of quarter one is done, catching up on some stuff like Let’s Wrestle, Elbow and whatever else I find in my review pile that hasn’t as yet been paid due diligence.
What’s been your musical highlight of 2014 so far? (It’s fine to say The Big Reunion by the way…I love Adam Rickett too).