Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end (according to Semisonic’s Closing Time at least), and this week is one of those bittersweet moments where I wave goodbye to a dear friend off to a new job and life while feeling a bit sorry for myself that my dear friend has moved away.

Why am I telling you this? Well, because my dear friend is Lauren Noakes (or @laurennotes) and her new beginning is with the British Geological Survey (BGS) office in Edinburgh.

Lauren’s worked for BGS for a while now as a cartographer and digital mapping geek and although she’ll still be doing that she’s also taking on a PR / comms / social media role for them. She’s never worked in comms before so it’s a big unknown she’s stepping into.

You can read about her move into comms (and, indeed, her move to Scotland) on her blog (which is on Facebook). But what would be your top tip to someone just starting their journey in public sector PR? Leave a comment on here or on Lauren’s blog – either way I’ll make sure she sees it and I’m sure she’ll appreciate the advice!

And if you’re based in or around Edinburgh I’m sure Lauren would be interested in any work-related events she can get involved in or recommendations about where to go (or where not to go) so she can make the city her home!