Post-event thoughts (updated 8 June 2009):
I was really interested to hear Carl’s presentation on the social media policy / guidance he has been working on for Devon County Council.
He blogged his draft policy a while ago and this inspired me to start work on our version. This mainly involved a find and replace on the organisation name at first 😉
I got as far as completing a draft version and circulating to the rest of my team for comments but haven’t got much further. And I’ve had a nagging doubt about it…which this presentation coaxed out into the light – my version is too much strategy / too specific on the networks.
The presentation Dave Briggs made later confirmed this for me and I have now given myself the action of going back and doing some more work on our version before putting it out again. I’d like to think at that point I can blog it and get some wider feedback too…and throw something useful into the discussion about Carl’s version.
It was really useful to find out more about Carl’s role and experience at Devon and I think I’ll be coming back to some of this within a few months for some work I would like to carry out.
What I wrote at the time:
– getting ppl engaged with examples, usage policy (shared resources – crowd sourcing policy document 🙂 )
– Plymouth Council put blanket ban on socmed following cllr tweeting something (more from @alncl later). Typical IT risk avoidance rather than managing it
– need a policy whatever the stance – whether banning or not – allow employees know what they are allowed to do
– shame officers aren’t allowed access and miss out on resources such as conferences being broadcast on Twitter. I am missing the metaconference thanks to rubbish wifi lol
– need to be committed and passionate in order to go round and find out what their concerns are. Start by listening!
– What value / waste of time / distration / just a social thing
– Focus on socmed not tech. Listen to problems and see if socmed is the solution!
– What is a digital native? We’ve all been socially networking forever, only online versions are new to humanity
– Good examples of how to build your case: modern pub serv delivery, could support mobile working, not just about main networks (FB etc) is about solving problems (good stuff here for my pres to PR!)
– Banning it within corporate network won’t stop it happening (just like the conversation). ppl will use their phones
– Management issue not tech issue – if ppl not doing their job they need managing – tech ban is way to gain control! Hear hear! – Time between first conversation to Carl’s draft = 4 months; plus consultation and review = 10 months. Issued drafts on his blog, altered according to external ppl as well as internal
– If you aren’t raising awareness – JFDI – keep doing it until ppl get it and come to you for advice. Passion, persistence, perseverence (hey – that’s my localgovcamp pledge)
– talk to your CEX and get senior level champion!
– policy dev – challenges, concerns, what’s missing?
– Jack Pickard – more advice for employees about what is allowed from the web – can web pics be used (Flickr etc) for PPT?
– What is stopping you from implementing in your org now?
– What impact has the policy had? Early stages but generated huge interest in how organisation embraces socmed. ppl are trying things – listening to online conversation – trying to be more proactive. It’s a gradual evolution. Has deliberately stayed away from socmed strategy as not about tech.
– Use FB ad set up to gauge how many ppl you could reach (what I did for our elections stuff!) without actually buying ad space!
– Has led to further discussions in council – what skills are needed, what advice for staff, peer-to-peer support
– If anyone has comments on the policy add them to the PSFBuzz site and let’s keep the conversation going!